This House Will Ban Gambling

This House would ban gambling It includes things like bingo, roulette, raffles, lotteries, scratch-cards and slot machines. Some definitions of gambling would not include activities like betting on horse racing – as this arguably involves a large element of knowledge and skill to predict what is likely to happen. Gambling – Different Religious Viewpoints. September 7, 2016. “Whoever, for the purpose of profit, gathers people to engage in gambling, runs a gambling house or makes gambling his profession shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also be fined.”.

This House Would Ban Gambling Debate

Did you ever think that casinos sweat the money, and yes they will ban you if you are winning every time you go into them. I only play craps, and was banned from a couple casinos and the dice taking off me numerous times. At times it's laughable. In the old days you could play on, if you were winning the casinos knew that they would get it back if you stayed around long enough. That is why they give you comp's!
After all you are just getting lucky, even if you are a skilled shooter when playing craps. Nobody can win every time they pick-up the dice, but this is now the way Corporate America works. The pin head suits don't understand the game they are running.
They need winners at the tables some of the time, or nobody would play if they lost every time they walked into a casino. I've even seen one don't player get banned from playing, only because he was winning, and was way to greedy. They told him that he could no longer play craps in that casino, here was a guy that never picked up the dice.
If you want a great example of a casino sweating the money, just walk into The Tuscany Casino here in Vegas and start setting the dice and hitting a few points. It's like you are a criminal, the way they treat you. There are many casino in Vegas that will take the dice off you if you are setting the dice, and winning. It is common knowledge that The Tuscany Casino is a sweat joint if you are setting the dice, it just plain stupid on their part, most of the dice setters are losers, that might get lucky, just like anybody else!
They love to tell you if you miss the back wall with one die they are going to pass the dice to the next shooter. Well guess what if you then start hitting the back wall with a lot of force they tell you that you are hitting it to hard. Let's face a fact there are days that you can't do anything wrong, and then there are the days that you couldn't win even if you had a two-headed coin and was flipping it to win a bet, the damn thing would land on its side.
If you are in the casinos everyday you see all kinds of stupid things the casino will do when somebody is winning, to try to stop them from winning. I've seen them take the dice off a little old lady that was winning because she didn't hit the back wall every time with the dice. She was just picking up the dice shaking the dice and trying to throw them down the table. I've seen that kind of thing happen way to many times.
The house has the advantage, there is no need for some of the things they do. The problem is that you still have players that are willing to put up with bad playing conditions, most don't know that they are even getting treated badly.
There are suits that think that the money anybody is winning is their money, and they will do anything they can to stop a roll from happening, even banning the player or taking the dice off them!
Note, all my post start with this is just my opinion...!
You do good brada ..!

Published 7:41 PM EST Dec 4, 2019

Lansing — The Michigan House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday evening to approve a bill loosening restrictions on Detroit’s three casinos as lawmakers seek to expand gambling options in the state.

This House Will Ban Gambling

The legislation would exempt more casino licensees from background checks, allow individuals with criminal convictions to be eligible for licenses after a certain time period, and require annual audits of suppliers instead of quarterly ones.

The legislation from Rep. Brandt Iden, R-Oshtemo Township, would also lift a ban on political contributions from casino licensees and their employees, a part of a 1996 voter-approved ballot initiative.

The bill is part of a larger gaming package that legalizes online gaming, online fantasy sports contests, sports betting and advance-deposit wagering in horse racing. The package moves to the Senate next for possible approval.

This House Would Ban Gambling

House Bill 4307 wasn’t passed with the larger package in October because the provision repealing the political contribution ban needed support from three-quarters of the chamber to overturn that part of the voter-approved proposal.

The bill captured that super majority support Wednesday evening after both parties emerged from an evening caucus. The legislation passed 89-16 with support and opposition from members of both parties.

Rep. Bill Sowerby, D-Clinton Township, opposed the bill because he said it lacked transparency and paved the way to infusing more money into the political process.

“…Millionaire and billionaire casino owners will now be allowed to give money to state legislators,” Sowerby said in a statement. “Even worse, casino owners will no longer have to disclose to the public their past felony crime convictions, their financial failures — including bankruptcies — or their failures to pay their taxes. Michiganders expect and deserve more transparency and accountability from those who have such incredible responsibility, and this legislation severely diminishes that standard.”

Detroit’s three casinos — MGM Grand, Greektown and MotorCity — have indicated support for the bill, as have the city of Detroit and the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

The larger package of bills has encountered opposition from Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration, which wants the taxes from the new gambling activities to make up for any loss in revenue the School Aid Fund may experience due to an expected decrease in existing brick-and-mortar gambling operations.

Iden increased the tax rates associated with the activities in response to Whitmer's concerns.

The revised proposed tax rate for sports betting would be 8.75% at the state's 23 tribal casinos and 12% at the three Detroit casinos, a figure that reflects the 3.25% tax imposed by the city.

The proposed tax rates for internet gaming would be levied at a tiered or progressive rate ranging from 4% to 23% based on revenue, with higher earners assessed higher rates. The high mark would increase to 26.25% for Detroit casinos because of the 3.25% city tax.

Iden had originally proposed an 8% tax for internet gaming. Iden said Whitmer asked for a 15% percent tax on sports betting and a 40% percent tax on internet gaming.

In a Tuesday Senate hearing, Iden said legislative leaders have made progress in negotiations with the governor and he expressed hope the legislation would be in place by the end of the year.

But he cautioned against raising tax rates too high.

“If we don’t do this in a methodical measured way, if we overtax this, if we do something that heaven forbid pushes us out of the market place, we will get zero,” Iden said.

The bill passed Wednesday would require members of the Michigan Gaming Control Board to be paid $1,000 for attending a meeting. The chairperson would receive $1,250 per meeting. The five-member board typically meets six times a year.

The bill would ban a board member from having an interest in a casino one year prior to and two years after serving on the gaming control board. The wait periods are currently three years prior and four years after.

The legislation would require a casino licensee to disclose stockholders to the state if they had 5% or more interest in the gambling location rather than the current threshold of 1%.

It would allow an application or licensee to label certain information as confidential and not subject to a public records request, including interviews, report, statements, documents, records or correspondence.

Published 7:41 PM EST Dec 4, 2019