If the antenna shapes or focuses the radiation pattern and makes it more directional, it has gain over an isotropic antenna. A dipole has a gain of 2.16 dBi over an isotropic source.
— Magnitude of plotted quantity
real vector | matrix
- The dipole antenna is cut and bent for effective radiation. The length of the total wire, which is being used as a dipole, equals half of the wavelength (i.e., l = λ/2). Such an antenna is called as half-wave dipole antenna. This is the most widely used antenna because of its advantages. It is also known as Hertz antenna. Frequency range.
- A helical antenna is an antenna consisting of one or more conducting wires (monofilar, bifilar, or quadrifilar with 1, 2, or 4 wires respectively) wound in the form of a helix. In most cases, directional helical antennas are mounted over a ground plane, while omnidirectional designs may not be.
Magnitude of plotted quantity, specified as one of the following:
A N-by-1 real vector . N is the same size as the
angle vectors.A M-by-R matrix. The matrix should be the same size as
where theta
and phi
angles are in the spherical coordinate system specified as a vector.
Data quantities plotted include directivity, E-fields, H-fields,or power of an antenna or array object.
Data Types: double
— Theta angles in spherical coordinates
vector in degrees
Theta angles in spherical coordinates, specified as a vectorin degrees.
Data Types: double
— Phi angles in spherical coordinates
vector in degrees
Phi angles in spherical coordinates, specified as a vector indegrees.
Data Types: double
Name-Value Pair Arguments
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
arguments. Name
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN
— Coordinate system of radiation pattern
(default) | 'rectangular'
Coordinate system of radiation pattern, specified as the comma-separatedpair consisting of 'CoordinateSystem'
and one ofthese values: 'polar'
, 'rectangular'
Example: 'CoordinateSystem'
Data Types: char
— Plane to visualize 2-D data
| 'phi'
Dipole Antenna Radiation Pattern Diagrams
Plane to visualize 2-D data, specified as a comma-separatedpair consisting of 'Slice'
and 'theta'
or 'phi'
Example: 'Slice'
Data Types: char
Half Dipole Antenna
— Angle values for slice
scalar | vector
Folded Dipole Antenna Radiation Pattern
Angle values for slice, specified as a comma-separated pairconsisting of 'SliceValue'
and a scalar or a vector.